The human condition is defined in layers, from the physical inward to center point, and outward into the cosmos. We’ll look at how some of the major global energy traditions describe the energy body and learn where to focus our attention for personal energy attunement, harmony and alignment.
Do you want to learn what the metaphysical energy really is, how to tune into it, modulate your own personal frequencies, align with Nature and manifest some truly ‘miraculous’ outcomes? Then step into this workshop because it is absolutely foundational to your approach to the higher mysteries of energy.
In this 85 minute workshop I’ll be introducing you to some of my personal experiences on the path of energy exploration to show you some of the challenges in store for you as well as what is really possible. Outcomes are always verifiable! We’re not talking about emotional or imaginary outcomes; we’re talking about solid manifestation in the physical, 3D experience. I’m going to share with you some vital techniques of focus and energy artistry, including breath and meditative work. We’ll look at:
- Map of the Energy Body
- Visualization & Imagination
- How to Feel into the Reality of My Body
- The Meditative Field & How to Practice There
- Breath Work
- Personal Attunement & Calibratio
And I’ll answer some important questions you may have concerning the path.
Jessica Forney –
This is my third time watching Intro to Energy Body Workshop and David, I have to say that I’m amazed on how you have achieved putting together in one single class what I had to learn in several different ones and with different teachers. I would have saved so much money and time if I had known you back then. I’m truly happy for everyone who will now have that opportunity, if they choose to be guided.
I love the Fantasia clip because it’s a perfect example of someone untrained working with energy without any guidance since I truly believe that every action has a reaction, and in this case, Mickey Mouse had to learn the hard way.
I also love the fact that you took your time to teach different breathing exercises so that we can choose which one resonates with each of us the most. In my case, it was important to try different ones from the moment I first started because each one has a different effect on me. I still work with several ones depending on what I want to achieve and that’s always my advice to every beginner, but now I am thinking of recommending your class along with it
Needless to say, I found your teachings on techniques, alignment, centering, among several other important areas just simply wonderful and to the point.
Thank you, my friend, for your willingness to constantly share your knowledge with everyone who are ready to listen and for your loving guidance these past couple of years ❤️