100g/250g Powdered Herb / 90 Vegetarian capsules
Sanskrit Name: Yashti Madhu, Honey-stick
English Name: Liquorice
Botanical Name: Glycyrrhiza glabra
Part Used: root
Ayurvedic Energetics: V- P- K
LICORICE is an effective expectorant, helping to liquefy mucus and facilitate its discharge from the body. In large doses it is a good emetic for cleansing the lungs and stomach of Kapha. It is a mild laxative which soothes and tones the mucous membranes, relieving muscle spasm and reducing inflammation. Its taste masks
the disagreeable flavor of other herbs and helps harmonize their qualities, countering heat and dryness and reducing toxicity. For colds and respiratory affliction, it combines well with fresh ginger. With ginger and cardamom it is a tonic to the teeth. It is restorative and rejuvenative food. Sattvic in quality, it calms the mind and nurtures the spirit. It nourishes the brain and increases cranial and cerebrospinal fluid, promoting contentment and harmony. It improves voice, vision, hair and complexion and gives strength.
Ayurvedic Usage: decoction, milk decoction, powder (250 to 500 mg),
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