100g/250gPowdered Herb / 90 Vegetarian capsules
Sanskrit Name: Shatavari
English Name: Wild Asparagus
Botanical Name: Asparagus racemosus
Japanese Name:
Ayurvedic Energetics: V-P-K+
SHATAVARI is the main Ayurvedic rejuvenative for the female-as is ashwagandha for the male. It is the foremost female uterine tonic. Primarily used as a menstrual regulator in dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia and menstrual irregularity. It is a rasayana for Pitta, for the female reproductive system, and for the blood. As pitta dosha moves in the blood and the arthavasrota- the menstrual channel- the cycle is often upset by irregularities involving excess heat. This heat can condense the blood (due to dehydration), cause it to move too quickly (due to its catalytic activity), cause it to overflow (due to its rebellious nature), cause inflammations (due to its irritating tendency). Shatavari, both nourishes and cleanses the blood and the female reproductive organs. It is a good food for menopause or for those who have had hysterectomies, as it supplies many female hormones. It nourishes the ovum and increases fertility, yet its quality is sattvic and aids in love and devotion. It also increases the production of breast milk during delivery. Shatavari offers gentle support to help tone and strengthen the body, supporting soothing, restorative relief from PMS, menstrual, and menopausal imbalances in women. It aids during Pregnancy, reduces post partum bleeding, improves lactation and restores emotional feminine balance.
Suggested Dosage: Three grams of the powder can be taken in one cup of warm milk sweetened with raw sugar.
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