100g/250g Powdered Herb / 90 Vegetarian capsules
Sanskrit Name: Bhringaraja / Kesharaja
English Name: False Daisy
Botanical Name: Eclipta alba
Japanese Name:
Ayurvedic Energetics: V- P+ K
Bhringraj is an ancient ayurvedic herb for hair loss, premature graying, skin allergies, and devitalized skin and hair. It is a rejuvenative for Pitta constitution and also for the liver. Bhringraj balances all three doshas and is curative mainly for pitta. Taken internally, it purges the liver of bile and so is a trusted remedy for hepatitis,
prevents ageing and helps rejuvenate bone and its subsidiary tissues, teeth and hair, improves sight and memory, and helps sharpen the intellect. Oil medicated with Bhringraj is used to keep Hair and Scalp healthy and prevents Hair loss & graying Hair.
BHRINGARAJ is a preventative to the aging process which maintains and helps rejuvenate bones, teeth, hair, sight, hearing, and memory. It is a rejuvenative for Pitta constitution and for the liver; it is the best herb for cirrhosis. It is also the best Ayurvedic herb for the hair. Bhringaj oil is famous for making the hair black and luxuriant; for removing grayness and reversing balding. It helps calm the mind from excessive activity and promotes sound sleep. In many respects it is similar to brahmi, or gotu kola, in its properties. It combines
the properties of a bitter tonic like dandelion (for which it is a substitute) with a rejuvenative tonic. Applied externally, it helps draw out poisons and reduces inflammation and swollen glands. It is a good tonic for the mind. Bhringaraj also is good for the complexion.
Suggested Use: 1 – 2g daily
[:ja]100%オーガニック認証 ブリンガラジ
粉末ハーブ100g/250g / ベジタリアンカプセル90個
英語名:False Daisy
学名:Eclipta alba
アーユルヴェーダのエネルギー論:V P + K
ブリンガラジは、骨、歯、髪、視覚、聴覚、記憶力を維持し、若返らせ、老化を防ぎます。ピッタ体質と肝臓機能を回復し、肝硬変にも効果があります。ブリンガラジのオイルは髪によく、黒く豊かにすることで有名で、髪白髪とはげを失くします。忙しい日々に疲れた心を静めるのに役立ち、熟睡をもたらします。性質は多くの点でブラーフミーやゴツコラに似ています。タンポポのような苦味強壮薬(代用品)と若返り強壮剤強壮剤が混ぜられて作られています。外用薬として使用すると、毒を引き出すのに役立ち、炎症や腺の肥大を軽減します。精神面にも良いです。ブリンガラジは 顔の艶も良くします。
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