Personal Attunement & Introduction to the Energy Body
Do you want to learn what the metaphysical energy really is, how to tune into it, modulate your own personal frequencies, align with Nature and manifest some truly ‘miraculous’ outcomes? Then step into this workshop because it is absolutely foundational to your approach to the higher mysteries of energy.
In this 85 minute workshop I’ll be introducing you to some of my personal experiences on the path of energy exploration to show you some of the challenges in store for you as well as what is really possible. Outcomes are always verifiable! We’re not talking about emotional or imaginary outcomes; we’re talking about solid manifestation in the physical, 3D experience. I’m going to share with you some vital techniques of focus and energy artistry, including breath and meditative work. We’ll look at:
Map of the Energy Body
Visualization & Imagination
How to Feel into the Reality of My Body
The Meditative Field & How to Practice There
Breath Work
Personal Attunement & Calibration
And I’ll answer some important questions you may have concerning the path.
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