Your journey into the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali continues with a look into the Concentration Chapter (Samadhi Pada), traditional practices, and the evolution of yogic thought in the development of classical Tantra.
This satsanga explores the Kathas of Vatulanatha,, Abhinavagupta’s empowered method as described in the Tantrasara, and the mantras invoked during the popular practice routine known as the Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara).
Video Time Stamps:
00.00.00 ~ 00.18.00 | Foundational Practice Sequence: Guru Mantra, Center Point Meditation, Breath-Pause (w/ Hum Sa Mantra), Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
00.18.00 ~ 00.21.45 | Review of June Satsanga (Yoga Sutras I), Review of Opening Sequence, Intro to Satsanga Content
00.21.45 ~ 00.29.20 | Discourse: So-Hum / Hum-Saha mantra practice
*Contrasting Patanjali’s Inward Approach
*Contrasting Patanjali’s Inward Approach
00.29.20 ~ 00.44.10 | Vatulanatha Kathas, or sutras (Teachings of the Intoxicated Master ‘Vatulanatha’), Chummas (Teachings of the Yoginis)
00.44.10 ~ 00.53.45 | Tantrasara (Light on Tantras) Ch. 4: Illumination of the Empowered Method
*Validating the Current Foundational Meditation Approach
*Validating the Current Foundational Meditation Approach
00.53.45 ~ 01.02.30 | Discourse: Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras – Ashtangha (8-Limbs) and the Five Yamas (Ethical Restraints), Saundilya Upanishad and the Ten Yamas
01.02.30 ~ 01.09.00 | Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras II (Samadhi Pada – Concentration Chapter) Verses 1~6, 12~14, 20,23, 26~29
01.09.00 ~ 01.21.00 | Working with the Body: Surya Namaskra (Sun Salutation w/ Video and Mantras), Ishwara, Surya, Gayatri, Description of Poses, Ayurveda and the ‘Complete Sadhana’, Sun & Moon Energy Channels
01.21.00 ~ 01.22.30 | Vidyaranya’s Spiritual Practice Routine for Achieving Liberation in this Life
*Q & A
01.22.30 ~ 01.36.10 | Q/A
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Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Part 2)